A Training Approach to Fitness and Health
This article is on the technical side. I’ll be sharing here my understanding of the ACE (American Council on Exercise) Integrated Fitness Training Model. The purpose of sharing this information is to:
help you assess what to look for from a personal trainer
have insight into another way to look at the process of fitness
break down the process of fitness.
Again, for full insight, ease check out the ACE Personal Trainer program or train with an ACE Certified Personal Trainer.
Okay, so here goes - my summary of the ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model (Chapter 5 of ACE Personal Trainer Manual):
There are 4 Training Phases that run parallel to the function-health-fitness-performance training continuum. (see earlier blog ‘The Evolution of Fitness Training’).
There are 2 Training Components of these 4 Training Phases;
Functional movement and Resistance Training (think ‘lifting weights’)
Cardiorespiratory Training (think ‘going for a run’)
The 4 Phases of functional movement and resistance training are:
Stability and mobility training
Movement training
Load Training
Performance Training
The 4 Phases of cardiorespiratory training are:
Aerobic-based training
Aerobic-efficiency training
Anaerobic-endurance training
Anaerobic-power training
Goals of Phase 1 in relation to function-health-fitness-performance continuum:
to improve function/health by correcting muscle imbalances through training to improve joint mobility and stability before adding movement and or load
to build an aerobic base to help with cardiorespiratory health
Goals of Phase 2 in relation to function-health-fitness-performance continuum:
introduce movement patterns prior to adding load
introduce aerobic intervals to improve aerobic efficiency
Goals of Phase 3 in relation to function-health-fitness-performance continuum:
add load training
develop anaerobic endurance
Goals of Phase 4 in relation to function-health-fitness-performance continuum:
improving performance through power, speed, agility, reactivity and anaerobic power
You will progress through this continuum and the phases based on your unique needs, goals and available time to commit to training. Further, it is normal to be at 2 different phases of the 2 training components based on your current health and fitness. For instance, an ultra marathoner who has never done resistance training might be in Phase 1 of the movement and resistance training component and Phase 4 of the cardiorespiratory component.
So, there’s an approach to health and fitness training, something to be aware of and potentially look out for in a certified personal trainer. Keep in mind that every individual will be on a different health and fitness journey. In other words, where I’m at and where I want to be is likely very different from you. Know your own goals here and plan for them. For instance, performance goals are very different from health goals. This means that many of us focused on health goals may never reach, want to reach, Phase 4 performance goals.
Whatever you decide, make certain you’re enjoying the journey!